In today’s landscape, being prepared for college holds increased significance. The majority of upcoming job opportunities demand credentials beyond high school, emphasizing the need for GED® graduates to compete effectively. The introduction of GED® College Ready (CR) and GED® College Ready + Credit (CR+) score levels aims to expedite students’ progress through college certificate and degree programs. Achieving these GED score levels indicates readiness for credit-bearing classes and, in some cases, showcases college-level skills and knowledge.

GED Test Scores

  1. GED® Passing Score: 145

To successfully pass the GED® test, you must achieve a passing score of 145 in each subject. Attaining a score of 145 or higher in all four subjects is necessary to obtain your high school equivalency.

  1. GED® College Ready: 165 – 174

Exceeding the score of 165 in any test subject indicates readiness for college-level courses, making you eligible for waivers from placement testing or developmental education requirements upon college enrollment.

  1. GED® College Ready + Credit: 175 – 200

Scoring above 175 in any test subject demonstrates skills that may qualify for up to 10 college credit hours. Depending on the program, you could earn credits in Math, Science, Social Studies, and Humanities, allowing you to bypass certain required classes, ultimately saving time and money.

What is included in the GED Ready™ product?

This product comprises access to a single GED Ready™ practice test. Upon purchase, you will receive an email with a voucher and redemption instructions. The voucher email is expected to arrive in your inbox within approximately 2 hours, but it may take up to 1 full business day. Each voucher allows for one use of the practice test. If the practice test is not completed during the initial use, it will expire after 120 days.

Why should you consider taking GED Ready™?

  1. Immediate Scoring: With same-day scoring, you receive prompt feedback on your potential success in the actual test.
  2. Personalized Study Guidance: If unprepared, you receive specific instructions on areas to focus on for further study.
  3. Realistic Test Experience: The test questions mirror those in the real test, ensuring preparedness for the actual exam.

What’s required for GED Ready™

    • Computer usage is mandatory.
    • Ensure your internet browser is updated, with enabled Javascript and cookies.
    • The on-screen calculator from the official GED® test is provided, and a hand-held scientific calculator, specifically the TI 30XS, is recommended.
    • Optimal test-taking conditions include a quiet, focused environment, and completing the exam in one sitting is advisable. The GED test must be finished within 120 days for the best prediction of your performance on the GED® test.

How College Ready and College Ready + Credit Work

Submit your transcript and score report to the college or institution of your choice. Consult the college admissions office to determine eligibility for waiving placement tests or remedial courses with a College Ready score. Additionally, inquire about credit acceptance for GED® test scores at the College Ready + Credit level.

How to Achieve a GED Passing Score

Attaining a passing score on your GED test results in the acquisition of a GED certificate, necessitating effective preparation and strategic decision-making. Alternatively, offers a solution where expert GED test takers can remotely connect to your computer, ensuring top scores. For those aiming for passing scores on the GED test, contacting via email or WhatsApp at +1 (845) 317-8489 is a straightforward option.

How to Get GED® College Ready + Credit Score

To get a GED® College Ready + Credit score on your GED  test, you have two viable options. First, do a thorough preparation by gaining a solid understanding of the concepts tested in each of the four section of the GED The best way to prepare for GED test is taking a GED practice tests. Taking GED practice tests will enhance your overall score. Alternatively, you can opt for a reliable solution by hiring a GED expert to take the GED test on your behalf. At, a team of experienced GED test-takers is ready to ensure you achieve a top score on your GED test. We have a team of GED expert test takers who can remotely connect to your computer and take the GED test for you.

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