The GED exam, administered entirely on a computer, is a highly challenging test that demands your full attention. The passing score, set at 145 for each subtest. Can I listen to music while taking my GED exam online? Can I take my GED exam online in bed? The GED online test has specific guidelines.

GED Test Overview

The four GED subtests are now accessible for online administration, allowing you to take them from the comfort of your home. You have the option to take the four subject tests individually, and the online exam is offered in both English and Spanish. To be eligible for taking the GED exam online, you must first complete the GED Ready practice test. You must also achieve scores in the “Green” zone (indicating likelihood of passing) for each of the subject tests. This qualifying score is necessary for EACH of the four GED subtests. You need a computer (desktop or laptop) equipped with a webcam, and your internet connection must be secure and reliable. Ensure that you run a system test to confirm your computer meets the necessary requirements. For proctor exam help, contact

Is it allowed to use headphones or listen to music while taking the online proctored GED exam?

No! Wearing headphones during the exam is not permitted. This restriction is in place because the proctor cannot determine whether you are listening to music or receiving external assistance. Listening to music not only hampers your concentration but is also a violation of the rules. It is important to note that headphones are prohibited to maintain the integrity of the exam. Playing music in the background without headphones may lead to confusion for the proctor regarding potential background interference. This prompt intervention and potentially consume some of your writing time. It is advisable to approach the online GED test with conditions similar to those of an in-person supervised exam. The designated room for the online test should have four walls, doors that can be closed, and be free from distractions, including music. Additionally, keep in mind that your GED Ready scores must not be older than 60 days. Read more

Can I my phone during the online GED test?

The GED® test is available in both In-Person and Online formats. To be eligible for online testing, you must meet specific requirements, which you can check by logging into your account. The Online GED® Test is accessible for home-based testing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you satisfy these criteria, consider the following essentials for online GED testing: You must have a computer, webcam, and a dependable internet connection—note that tablets or phones are not accepted.

Can I use notes on my GED test?

If there is evidence of copying answers, utilizing notes, or displaying suspicious behavior, your test materials will be confiscated, and your test scores will not be disclosed. You will be asked to leave the testing area, and there may be restrictions on your ability to take the GED® test in the future.

What is an online proctor?

Remote proctoring is a service designed to replicate the functions of an on-site proctor. It verifies the test-taker’s identity and ensures the GED exam’s integrity through an internet-delivered or phone-delivered assessment monitored by our offsite proctor. Proctors have the capability to observe the screen and use the mouse and keyboard as if they were physically present with you. Once the exam commences, your proctor will oversee all activities on the computer screen but will no longer have access to control your mouse and keyboard.

Can I take my proctored GED test while in bed?

No, it is not recommended to take the proctored GED test while in bed. You can take the GED test at home, but it must be done in a private room with a closed door. The testing room must be a secluded, enclosed space with a closed door, and no one else is permitted to enter the room during the test—no exceptions. Furthermore, you are not allowed to leave the room throughout the duration of the test.

Can I Listen to Music While Studying for the GED?

Yes! Preparing for an upcoming GED exam with long hours of study can be a stressful endeavor. Surprisingly, music can be a beneficial study aid! Research indicates that listening to music while studying can enhance the retention of information. To assist you, I have curated a collection of the best music to accompany your study sessions. Here are five playlists to enhance the productivity and enjoyment of your study time.