Can you take my GED test on my behalf to guarantee top scores? Absolutely! We have you covered! If you aim for top scores in your GED test, you can opt to hire professional GED test takers from We offer a convenient, secure, and reliable solution. is the ideal choice for you. Top GED Scores Guaranteed! Quality guaranteed! Using remote access to your computer, our expert GED test takers will proficiently take your online GED test, ensuring top scores. This ensures a smooth experience and guarantees a higher score.

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The General Education Development (GED) examination comprises four separate tests: Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA), Mathematical Reasoning, Social Studies, and Science. With a standardized scoring system, all GED subject tests share a common minimum passing score of 145 points. The maximum achievable score across the four modules is 800, and you must secure a total of at least 580 points. It’s essential to note that the four tests can be taken individually, and a cumulative score of 580 is valid only if you have achieved a minimum score of 145 in each of the four sections.

The GED scoring is categorized into four zones:

  1. Below Passing
    • Range: 100-144
    • Description: This falls within the GED Below Passing Range. If you scored in this range, you did not meet the minimum required score, and you will need to retake that sub-exam.
  2. High School Equivalency
    • Range: 145-164
    • Description: This is the GED High School Equivalency Passing Score. Your performance is comparable to that of high school students upon graduation.
  3. College-Ready
    • Range: 165-174
    • Description: This is the GED College-Ready Passing Score. You have demonstrated the ability to command knowledge and skills at a level suitable for college-level coursework. This may lead to waived requirements, such as submitting ACT or SAT scores or taking other college entrance exams.
  4. College-Ready Plus Credit
    • Range: 175-200
    • Description: This is the GED College-Ready PLUS College Credit Passing Score. Similar to the College-Ready score, you may also receive up to ten college credits in addition to demonstrating readiness for college-level coursework.

Students scoring in the 175-200 range have shown proficiency in skills and knowledge, enabling them to excel in college-level courses. Moreover, they may be eligible to earn up to ten college credits!

Top GED Scores Guaranteed!

How can one secure a guaranteed top score on the GED test? What strategies or resources can be utilized to ensure success in all exam sections? To pass the GED, obtaining a minimum score of 145 points in each subject test is essential. Achieving a good score may seem daunting, but thorough preparation and the right resources are crucial. Options for success include a comprehensive understanding of GED concepts through personal preparation or opting for a reliable solution by hiring a GED expert at to take the test on your behalf. Our team of experienced GED test-takers is committed to ensuring you attain a top score. If we fall short of providing a guaranteed pass on your GED test, a refund will be issued.

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College-Ready & College-Ready Plus Credit

What steps should you take after achieving College-Ready or College-Ready Plus College Credit scores?

Begin by forwarding your GED score report and transcript to the college or university of your choice. Subsequently, reach out to the admissions office to ascertain whether your GED scores exempt you from college-entrance remedial courses or placement tests. For those scoring in the GED College-Ready Plus Credit range, verify if your chosen institution acknowledges credits earned through your GED test. Over 500 colleges and universities in the United States accept GED College-Ready or College-Ready Credit scores. Learn more about applying for college with a GED here. The GED Testing Service,, has recommended these test performance levels to jurisdictions nationwide, with a significant number having implemented these suggestions.

What Constitutes a Good GED Score?

Any score falling within the 145-200 range is considered a commendable GED score. This signifies successful completion of the respective GED subject test, and if you achieve scores within this range across all four GED sub-exams, you earn your GED diploma. This GED diploma opens doors to lucrative job opportunities or advancements within your current workplace. While it holds equivalence to a general high school credential, there are some distinctions, yet it qualifies you for a college education. Scores ranging from 165-200 are particularly commendable, and an increasing number of higher education institutions recognize GED College-Ready scores, allowing you to bypass remedial coursework or a college entrance/placement exam.

Who can assist me in achieving a Guaranteed Top GED Score?

Securing a top score on the GED test might seem challenging, but it requires effective preparation and the right resources. Achieving a passing score on the GED® test is equivalent to obtaining a high school diploma. For a top GED score, consider hiring a GED expert from to take the test on your behalf. Our experienced GED test-takers are ready to ensure you achieve top scores. If we don’t deliver a guaranteed pass on your GED test, we offer a refund.

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